This past storm that blew into the desert may have come and gone, but we can be sure another one is coming with even colder temperatures. It’s easy for us desert rats to forget how harsh the winters here are after the extreme heat and sunshine of the summer. Sure it’s not a Vermont winter, but it ... READ the POST
Giveaway! Free goats!
This contest is over for nows, but check out our Meet and Milk the Goats tour if you love goats! Yes, believe it or not, we are going to do a giveaway for two doelings-little girl goats. You have to be local so you can come pick them up although I guess if you want to pay all the money for ... READ the POST
Why you should be gardening now
I was watching Doomsday Prepper re-runs recently and there was a prepper who had thousands and thousands of seeds stored away in case the SHTF, TEOTWAKI or whatever other acronym you can think of for when the world goes down the toilet. I sat there listening to him proudly extol the virtues of ... READ the POST