9 Quiet chicken breeds for urban Homesteaders There is an excellent reason to look for quiet chicken breeds whether you are an urban or rural homesteader. Today I was out feeding the animals and the absolute cacophony coming from the barn was nearly deafening. Ā Well, okay maybe that was an ... READ the POST
Dog Attack (Graphic…sort of)
There was snow on the ground today and I was so happy. Ā But then I got out to the chicken coop. Ā There were dead chickens everywhere. Ā Dogs had got in, even after we chickenwired the bottom of the fence to keep everyone safe. Ā They decimated our Dorking flock. Ā After all these years of working to ... READ the POST
New Dorking Chicks
Our first dorkings of the year are chirping merrily away in their brooder. Ā Almost all of them hatched on their own with absolutely no help which is the way I like it. Ā About five chicks needed help. Ā These stragglers took so long to get out of their eggs that the egg membrane died and stuck to them ... READ the POST
Existential Farming
Farming is very existential. Today, we put down one of our bloodhounds and we welcomed 60 new baby chickens into the world. Ā Yes farming is very existential. Existentialism is the idea that there are inescapable elements of human existence such as isolation, powerlessness, responsibility and ... READ the POST
Spring newsletter 2010
Spring has been here and is gone and summer is going by quick.Ā Ā The garden is growing and we have tons of little babies running around.Ā Ā Our new flock of Cotton Patch goslings looks almost like a flock of full-size adult geese!Ā Ā They grow so fast you can almost see them change in front of your ... READ the POST