It has been very frustrating to have this broken arm. I am not allowed to do anything except sit here and "keep it elevated." I can't feed the animals, I can't even brush my own hair. I certainly can't go out and ride my horse. It is very depressing in a way because I have been working so hard the ... READ the POST
Horse farming at Prophetstown
I have decided that the farmers who switched from horses to tractors, who sold their animals for dog food in exchange for loud, smelly, irritating and expensive machinery were idiots. Well meaning idiots, but still idiots. Farming with horses was the most enjoyable experience I've had in a long ... READ the POST
Horse Workout Update
I haven't written about my horse riding lessons for a while now, but I wanted to give an update. Wow, what a difference. It's been 6 months and I've been taking 3-4 lessons a week. The difference in my riding skills is amazing, but more amazing is the difference in my strength and endurance. I ... READ the POST
Riding through the desert
I decided to risk life and limb and take my greenbroke horse, Tarik, out on the trail today. Actually, it's not so much that he is green as that I am not the most confident rider in the world. However, my riding lessons have been going so well that I actually gave it a try. We went out into the ... READ the POST
What do horses and farming have in common?
A wonderful fan asked me why I keep mentioning horses in a blog about farming. Well first off, this is a blog about my family farm and we have horses. Good enough for me. However, horses and farms go together like peanut butter and jelly. Horses were the original John Deere. As a matter of ... READ the POST
Problems Under Saddle
If your horse is misbehaving with the saddle on-GET OFF. Why put your life at risk for something that can be taken care of safely? A bucking, rearing, shying, bolting psycho is a horse that hasn't learned all of the lessons it should have learned on the ground. My horse Tarik is bucking slightly ... READ the POST