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What do ducks eat? The ultimate guide to feeding your duck

So what do ducks eat? I have to admit something before we go any furtherā€¦I am a goose person.   Everybody seems to have bad memories of being chased and/or bitten by a rabid, overly protective, territorial dinosaur goose. But me?  Iā€™d choose geese any day of the week. There is ... READ the POST

February: Preparing for the Spring garden

February: Preparing for the Spring garden February is the month to begin preparing for the spring garden and to look forward to spring vegetables.  February is when you need to make sure all of your garden tools are in order and you have ordered your seeds. It is important to have all ... READ the POST

February is the month to begin preparing for the spring garden and to look forward to spring vegetables. Get your tools, get your seeds and get started!

Is canola oil bad for you? Canola oil vs vegetable oil and animal fat

Is canola oil bad for you? Beautiful fields of yellow Canola flowers cover 2 million acres of American soil and an unbelievable 21 million acres in Canada.  We do have Canada to thank for Canola oil (ā€œcanadaā€ and ā€œolaā€) whose farmers began developing this crop in the 1960s.  With such a ... READ the POST

How long do chickens live? The Chicken Lifespan

How long do chickens live? One of the most common questions I get from our farm fans is ā€œHow long do chickens live?ā€  This is important to know because the lifespan of a chicken tells you how much commitment you are taking on. How long chickens live depends on a lot of factors ranging ... READ the POST

Chicken Supplements

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Here at the ranch


We had so much fun hanging out at this farm. I highly recommend a visit here!!
Flip Flop Ranch
We had so much fun hanging out at this farm. I highly recommend a visit here!!


Come here if you're okay with getting up close with animals! That's what makes the experience great.


Flip Flop Ranch


Come here if you're okay with getting up close with animals! That's what makes the experience great.


This was an awesome experience to have! Would highly recommend!


Flip Flop Ranch


This was an awesome experience to have! Would highly recommend!


We had such a great time! It was a beautiful drive out to the farm and was so fun.


Flip Flop Ranch


We had such a great time! It was a beautiful drive out to the farm and was so fun.
Flip Flop Ranch