I lived in Ireland for a few years and one of the things that shocked me the most was going to the grocery store and seeing unrefrigerated eggs sitting on the shelf. I thought it was almost barbaric and I couldn't imagine how many people got sick from such a backwards practice. Now I know ... READ the POST
Basics of Incubating eggs
As soon as the weather begins to warm, chickens across the world begin to think of hatching eggs and raising baby chicks. But they’re not the only ones. Spring also begins humans thinking about hatching eggs and raising baby chicks. Of course the way we do it isn’t nearly as natural and our ... READ the POST
Sanitizing incubator and eggs
The chickens are finally laying well now that the days are lengthening again and the geese are starting to court each other. Spring is on the way! And that means one thing. Babies!!! The best part of farm life is the babies. Baby chickens and baby geese and adorable little baby ducks and baby ... READ the POST